My fitness Goals


This is kind of a boring first post, but you gotta start somewhere! I have a couple of fitness goals that in some ways, support each other, and in other ways, branch away. Ultimately I think all these things are great cross-training for the other things.


I’d like to become a more advanced belly dancer. I recently switched styles to Egyptian (from Cabaret and Tribal Fusion) after a workshop with my pretend-boyfriend Nath Keo*. I don’t think that Tribal and Tribal Fusion are good styles for me (Tribal is an educational one, as it is 100% improvisational, and you learn a cueing system in order to dance in a group), Egyptian and Oriental feel more “right”. I’m looking forward to my switch to Egyptian, I’m studying with Laura Selenzi. I’m currently using ballet and African dance to cross-train.

look how white my belly is

Me with Nath Keo at the Oriental Bliss workshop at Dartmouth Sportsplex Spring 2011

*I love my husband very much, I think he appreciates what I mean when I say that Nath Keo is my belly dance boyfriend 😉


I used to run a lot. I did a Couch to 5K-type training programme while I lived in England and was frustrated that I couldn’t legally work there any longer. When I got back, I joined the Salt Marsh Trail Running Club and increased my mileage like WHOAH. I also hurt myself running too fast and hard over the MacDonald Bridge.

Graffiti on the bridge

I’m now a little more researched, experienced, and as a result, wiser about running.  I had a few false starts re-starting to get into running but I think it’ll stick this time- I’m currently using adidas miCoach, barefoot running, and running with the Heart and Sole running club based here in downtown Dartmouth.

Fitness Instructor Certification.

One of my past belly dance instructors suggested I would be a good Bellyfit instructor.  This has me on a colision course with fitness instruction- the more I researched it, the better and idea it seemed, and I’ve got so much good feedback from people about fitness as a career generally, and about me working in group fitness specifically.  I start my programme in October.  I should be certified in time for the new year. Whoooo Nova Scotia Fitness Association!

I don't have any relevant photos so enjoy this snapshot of Larry the Lobster working on his abs


I cyclo-commute, but I’m a fair-weather cyclo-commuter.  I’d like to cycle later in the fall this year.  Last year, I dropped cycling like a hot potato after we put the  clocks back (“too dark!” I moaned.  My poor bike stayed at work until spring!).

I was in the Halifax Metro!  :D

Me in the Tweed Ride